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United Republic of Losning

From Limaru City Server Wiki
(Redirected from Losning)

The United Repulic of Losning, commonly known as Losning or Old Losning, is a sovereign country located South West from mainland Limaru. With an area of almost 1 square kilometre and a population of approximately 1, it falls behind in both population and size in its region.

The pre-colonial history of Losning is relatively unknown; European colonisation began in the 16th century. For most of its history, it was an insignificant colony under the British Empire's rule; however, the country enjoyed some sovereignty from the mid-1800s to 1943, before being annexed by Imperial Japan, and again from 1945 to 1960, before being put under Shafterlandean rule.

Losning kept its neutrality through World War I as a semi-recently liberated country, and was briefly a colony of Imperial Japan at the end of World War II. After the war, it faced a series of unstable governments. The United Republic of Losning was a Soviet-backed Socialist Authoritarian state as a sovereign nation during the Cold War.


Pre-Colonial Era (1000-1532)

The earliest known document from the island is the Losning Bronze Cave Inscription, Circa 1020. The content of the engraving could not be translated in full as Ancient North Losnian, the language it was written in, died off during the British Conquest, where most native speakers and documents written with it were wiped out. By the early 1300's, there was a centralised power, the Schmidt dynasty; it was organising trade deals with many nearby countries: Lipan, China, India, Taiwan, and Korea.

The first European to land on Losning was William Shakesphere (no, not Shakespeare), a British sailor and trader. Shakesphere reached the island on June 1521, and saw "underdeveloped negroes flailing around in their false glory of nothingness."

British Colonisation (1532-1943)

British Colonisation began when Rowan Gill arrived with a fleet of

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