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EndeRails Class C27

From Limaru City Server Wiki
EndeRails Class C27
27001 at Emmaru Central.
Manufacturer EndeRails
Operators Emmaru Railways
Predecessors Class C13 Class C14
Service 1998 - Present
Family LimaCity
Maximum Speed 1.8 m/t (design)
1.1 m/t (service, C27)
Gauge 1435mm
Electric system 750 V DC 3rd rail
1500 V DC Overhead Catenary
25 kV AC Overhead Catenary

The EndeRails Class C27 is an class electric multiple unit (EMU) train built by EndeRails in the Shafterlands between 1996 and 2010 for suburban and urban usage. While the motors, bogies and other internal parts were built by EndeRails, the body was fitted by a consortium of the Aylesbury Rolling Stock Company, Higashi-Yui Railway Carriage and Wagon Company and EndeRails.


All four trains feature the EndeRails C II IGBT-VVVF motor with rheostatic and pneumatic brakes, capable of a top speed of 160 km/h. A gangway was fitted into the ends of each car, allowing passengers to walk the entire length of a unit without having to exit the train.

The type evolved from the earlier C14 stock, with the main difference being the removal of the toilet in some cars and the change to outside doors.


Class C27/0, C27/1 3-car trainsets built for the Putinsawa Railway in the Shafterlands and used on commuter services between Putingrad and Zawate. Two units of 3 cars each are usually coupled together to form a 6-car unit.
Class C27/2 2-car trainsets originally built for Emmaru Railways. Since the replacement of all 2-car trains on the Emmaru Railways network, these trains have been sent back to the Shafterlands to be assigned to rural lines.
Class C27/3 Single railcars with 2 cabs each built for Emmaru Railways used on the Central Shuttle and Tozai Line. While these railcars were originally planned to be sandwiched in the middle of the Tozai Line C27/6 consists, all trains of this type assigned to the Tozai Line have been attached to the back of each C27/6 trainset.
Class C27/6 3-car trainsets built for Emmaru Railways used on the Tozai Line. Due to inter-lining with the Quay Line, these trains are built to multiple-work with the Class 500 from Lipan Railways.
Class C27/7 3-car trainsets built for Emmaru Railways used on the Namboku Line. Class C27/11 3-car trainsets built for the Trinity Local Line in Buryland. Class C27/13 3-car trainsets built Nakhon Buri Mai MRT Lines 3 and 4.

Class C27/2

The C27/2 stock entered service on 21 January 1998 to replace the D5/8 stock and some C13 stock trains used on the Tozai line. The D5/8 stock was subsequently retired while all other C13 stock trains were transferred to the Tokaido Line so that some trains could be doubled to 6 cars. The C27/2 stock was painted in the "Tozai Line" livery, which had two cyan stripes running along the top of the windows and below the windows. Trains carried 3 headlights, one above the windscreen and two on the undercarriage.

Before the introduction of the C27/6 stock, there were plans to convert the C27/2 into 3-car sets. However, since all of the cars in the C27/2 stock had a wide gangway at the non-cab end, it was deemed too costly to replace the cabs of some cars with open gangways and therefore a new order for the C27/6 was submitted. While two C27/2 units could theoretically be coupled to form a 4-car unit, Entetsu management decided to exercise an option for more C27/3 railcars due to their flexibility.

Class C27/2 Formation (8 trains)
Car No. 1 2
Type Mc Mc'
Set 01 27 201 27 202
Set 03 27 203 27 204
Set 05 27 205 27 206
Set 07 27 207 27 208
Set 09 27 209 27 210
Set 11 27 211 27 212
Set 13 27 213 27 214
Set 15 27 215 27 216

First Refurbishment

The C27/2 was first refurbished in 2008, replacing most of the transverse seating with longitudinal seating to increase capacity. The hard purple seats were also upholstered with cyan and yellow fabric, giving them a bouncy feel. Yellow seats (placed at the ends of cars) were designated priority seats, and were the first priority seats in Entetsu's history.

Second Refurbishment

A second refurbishment for all cars was carried out in 2017, with all trains repainted in the pink/cyan "Entetsu" livery and the (formerly curved) fronts of all trains replaced by a flat pane, similar to that of JR's E235 series. The three dim headlights were replaced by a pair of bright headlights placed on the left side of the train, while a new rollsign holder was placed on the right.

Class C27/3

Central Shuttle (E Sets)

The C27/3 entered service on 2 August 2021 on the Central Shuttle, coinciding with the shortening of the line from Emmaru Central to Yachiyo. It is painted in the orange/lime "North-South" livery as the first and last trains of the day run the full length of the old route to Emmaru Central. These trains

Class C27/3 Formation (2 trains)
Car No. 1
Type Mcc
Set E01 27 301
Set E02 27 302

Tozai Line

After the Central Shuttle railcars proved to be successful, Emmaru Railways ordered another 15 cars for the Tozai Line, bringing the total up to 17. Originally planned to be sandwiched between two cars of C27/6 stock, these railcars were attached to the end of each 3-car C27/6 stock instead. These trains were delivered with the second batch of C27/6 on 22 September 2021.

Since these cars almost always operate with the C27/6 stock, their formations will be written below.

Spare Sets

Due to the versatility of the C27/3 railcars, Entetsu keeps some of these railcars as spares. These spares can usually be seen on mainline services during certain periods of either low demand or where extra capacity is needed.

The spare sets' numbers are 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, and 325. All spare sets can be coupled to a diesel power pack to run as a diesel train.

Class C27/6

Batch 1 (K sets)

The original batch of C27/6 entered service on 12 May 2008. Like the C27/2, they were delivered with the old 3-headlight slanted front, but with inside doors. Both classes underwent refurbishment together with the C27/2 in 2017 to give them the new flat front.

In 2021, these sets were repainted in the orange/line "North-South" livery for unknown reasons. It is rumored that the repaint is to make these sets look in line with the C27/3 stock, which are all painted in that livery.

Pre-extension formation (6 trains)
Car No. 1 2 3
Type Tc M Mc
Set K01 27 601 27 602 27 603
Set K04 27 604 27 605 27 606
Set K07 27 607 27 608 27 609
Set K11 27 611 27 612 27 613
Set K14 27 614 27 615 27 616
Set K17 27 617 27 618 27 619
Post-extension formation (6 trains)
Car No. 1 2 3 4
Type Tc M Mc Mcc
Set K01 27 601 27 602 27 603 27 303
Set K04 27 604 27 605 27 606 27 304
Set K07 27 607 27 608 27 609 27 305
Set K11 27 611 27 612 27 613 27 306
Set K14 27 614 27 615 27 616 27 307
Set K17 27 617 27 618 27 619 27 308

Batch 2 (Y sets)

The second batch of C27/6 entered service on 22 September 2021. Unlike the first batch, these trains were delivered with a flat front from the start, and have their C27/3 stock extensions coupled from the start of service. These trains are painted in the orange/line "North-South" livery. Unlike the K sets, the Y sets have their Mc and Tc end cars reversed.

Since the C27/3 stock car was supposed to be coupled between the M and Tc cars, it is labelled as Car 3 instead of Car 4. However, this turned out not to be the final car arrangement for space management reasons, therefore Car 4 is now sandwiched between cars 2 and 3.

Class C27/6 Formation (9 trains)
Car No. 1 2 4 3
Type Mc M Tc Mcc
Set Y21 27 621 27 622 27 623 27 309
Set Y24 27 624 27 625 27 626 27 310
Set Y27 27 627 27 628 27 629 27 311
Set Y31 27 631 27 632 27 633 27 312
Set Y34 27 634 27 635 27 636 27 313
Set Y37 27 637 27 638 27 639 27 314
Set Y41 27 641 27 642 27 643 27 315
Set Y44 27 644 27 645 27 646 27 316
Set Y47 27 647 27 648 27 649 27 317

Class C27/7

Due to the ageing of the 2-car C23 stock previously used on the Namboku Line, Emmaru Railways wanted to replace them with a new order of more C27 stock. These came in the form of the C27/7 stock, which are built to the same specifications as the C27/6 stock. However, these trains have a center trailer car, instead of a driving trailer at one end.

Class C27/7 Formation
Car No. 1 2 3
Type Mc T Mc'
Set N51 27 751 27 752 27 753
Set N54 27 754 27 755 27 756
Set N57 27 757 27 758 27 759
Set N61 27 761 27 762 27 763
Set N64 27 764 27 765 27 766
Set N67 27 767 27 768 27 769
Set N71 27 771 27 772 27 773
Set N74 27 774 27 775 27 776
Set N77 27 777 27 778 27 779
Set N81 27 781 27 782 27 783
Set N84 27 784 27 785 27 786
Set N87 27 787 27 788 27 789

Class C27/11

The C27/11 series trains are a type of rapid transit train used on the Trinity Local Line. These trains were first introduced in 2000 and are currently in service on the Trinity Local Line. They retain their original cyan head, lime and white livery. The Trinity Local Line is operated by Mizuno Transportation Service, a child company of Entetsu.

Class C27/13

The Nakhon Buri Mai MRT, also known as the Nakhon O Subway, is a rapid transit system serving the metropolitan area of Nakhon Buri Mai, Buryland. The system utilizes a fleet of C27/13 series trains, which were the first trains to be used on the Nakhon O Line M1 (Khaw Line) and Line M2 (Udom Suk Line) in 2000. These trains were originally delivered with a yellow front and blue and lime livery, known as the "Buryland color".


In 2015, the C27/13 series trains underwent a major refurbishment program, which included the installation of new air-conditioning units, seats, and flooring. The refurbished trains were also repainted into a red and gray livery and reassigned to Line 3 (Red Line) and Line 4 (Gray Line).

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