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Krepian Dictionary

From Limaru City Server Wiki

The table of words are given in English and the three most common Krepian dialects. Do note that meanings may be slightly different for each form of the word due to nuances in the language. If a cell is blank, it is because I have yet to create a word in that dialect for it. All Krepian forms are given in the Germanic romanisation, which follows the Krepian script more closely. This romanisation scheme is semi-official in all Krepian states (each state uses a slightly modified version of Germanic romanisation) except Canako, which does not use the Krepian alphabet, instead using the Latin alphabet with French romanisation.

English Standard North Shafterlandean Canakan
dog càtalā inỳ šien
cat myáening nîekȩ šat
fish ykan tsahana bong'e
bird brùnd torij wazau
cow rebǔ núu vach
pig haggen butâ pog (poque)
boar rogārta tēinōushǎ warrat
mouse shūyǐ nēčen suris
horse wayang uma heliter
wing tsaputi tsupatin hailuu
animal heridzu heridzu animalen
train tren tentšǎ, kitšǎ tren
plane plen patintši aero
car vatur tōmtšǎ, kayomu vatur
truck trak kayomu itomyom cemyon
bicycle velo hatijntšǎ velo
bus omni bussen bussen
boat batu, bot batu, fune batu
ship karij'on, capal fune navi
tyre tir tai (des lun) nùu
gasoline oriko yúu oriko
engine motor motor motor
ticket tíntǒm tšiâu billet
transportation ríntǒm džāo-tōm transportason
city dawa dawa dawa
house tšatou, mason tšatou, mason tšatou, mason
apartment sapur sapur sapur
street tanon tanon tanon
airport pelaß plenen kuukou pelaß aero
train station setensie heki gár
bridge sapan api ponpon
hotel hôtel hôtel hôtel
restaurant candu šuuya popine
farm latam kennou wilum
court camar téikou atri'um
school sekolar hôcžáu šolum
office opris opris oprium
room kumus heiya kumus, kumum
town tau tau tau
university tǎihôc tǎihôc universite
club klab klab klab
bar bar bar bar
park támun támun támunum, unu
camp camp camp kastrum
store/shop cetai, cetapi mihe setor
theater ulikan téi'aya teter
library bukumas tyšykan bibliotek
hospital hôpital hôpital hôpital
church eglissen eglissen eglissen
Bhuddist temple mikòushi wāt templar
shrine mikòushi terra, mikòushi eglissen
mosque masžid masžid masžid
market tauwa tauwa martek
country raja/respublika raja/respublika raja/respublika
building kunāp tatéi konstrakson
ground tenar chiy ter
space sepad sepad sepad
bank bank bank, hǎng in bank
location lokason téihân lokason
hat huitton huitton huitton
wide-brimmed hat frilawiy frilawiy frilawiy
dress tamarin butik rob
suit kīītsǔ kīītsǔ kīītsǔ
skirt sekat fille-ibutik butika
shirt ītsǔ ītsǔ ītsǔ
pants pāntālǒn pāntālǒn pāntālǒn
shoes shatsǔ shatsǔ shatsǔ
pocket poket poket poket
coat udān udān udān
stain lamau lamau lamau
clothing kīītsǔ kīītsǔ kīītsǔ
red fám fám fám
crimson foúi foúi foúi
green tsîn tsîn tsîn
cyan tšìàn tšìàn tšìàn
blue sér sér sér
brown šit des vrane cha des vrane braun
pink ai des vrane ai des vrane pink
orange orange orange orange
black huittons huittons huittons
white blanc blanc blanc
gray huittons-blanc hūi grǎi
colour vrane sěk kalas
son kason musuke kason
daughter flyf musume flyf
mother mutake mutake mer
father patake patake per
parent hisšin hisšin parent
baby bebe bebe bebe
man rin nam rin nam om
woman rin ny rin ny fem
older brother hyôm hyôm feir
older sister yonní yonní seûr
younger brother nibato nibato feir
younger sister rakki rakki seûr
family rìnya rìnya familia
grandfather patatai patatai grand-per
grandmother mutatai mutatai grand-mer
husband hasband hasbando l'aih-om
wife waif waifu l'euf-em
king consort narahe narahe prinsen-her
queen consort narawa narawa prins-her
king risahe risahe roi
queen takawa takawa roiaum
president president president president
neighbour vadim vadim vadim
boy kason kason kason
girl flyf flyf flyf
child rinchi rinchi infant
adult rintai rintai adulten
human homon homon homon
friend towariš towariš ami
victim rinkǎi rinkǎi huitime
player pleyer pleyer pleyer
fan fan fan fan
crowd rinput rinyama montrin
person homon rin person
teacher barom professeur professeur
student hessent hessent etudient
lawyer pembasmon
doctor moityat'on
patient miyant'on
waiter lakikmon
secretary tesnǎrmon
priest mikou mikou
police politsie politsie politsie
army zol ar'ms
soldier zolmon
artist kàkkaon kàkka
author kākkaon kākka
manager manedžer manedžer
reporter kanrikmon kanrika
actor ulikmon
job octinar octinar octinar
engagement kòunnya kòunnya kòunnya
death shīy, desǔ shīy, desǔ shīy, desǔ
medicine medisin medisin medisin
money wang wang wang
bill wang des paper wang des paper wang des paper
marriage šinkon, kakkon šinkon, kakkon šinkon, kakkon
team tim tim tim
Jesus Yešu Yešu Yešu
sex mǎdārin fakku fakku
gender nám nỳ nám nỳ gendar
peace pais pais pais
race (sport)
drug drug drug drug
Allah, God Allah Allah Allah
poop šit šit šit
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