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YJJ City District Laws

From Limaru City Server Wiki
Revision as of 15:01, 7 May 2024 by Mineshafter61 (talk | contribs) (temp)
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YJJ City Island - The island on which all cities and territories under YJJ City are located. District - A marked area within YJJ City Island which is under the local governance of the local council but still under the main governance of YJJ City. District Creation Districts are created by the YJJ City Government. Districts cannot exceed the size of the YJJ City Downtown area. If there is a clashing of areas for a new district, a local parliament will need to be held to vote on it. (See section 5) Powers of YJJ City over Districts The YJJ City Government has the power to do the following without information or agreement to the owners of districts should there be a need to do so: Assign/revoke ownership of districts. Add/remove transportation infrastructure in any part of the island, which includes road and rail infrastructure. Redefine and resize borders of districts. Change the local laws/standards of a district. There is however, an exception to this. If at least ⅔ of district leaders vote against the change by the YJJ City Government, it will be voided. (See section 5g) Local Laws The owners of each district has the right to create any rules/laws as long as it meets the following criteria: Does not conflict with any existing rules or laws of Limaru or YJJ City. Is approved by at least ⅔ of district owners during local parliament sitting. (See section 5f) Local Parliament A Local Parliament within YJJ City will be set up, consisting of all district leaders. Members of the Congress of Emmaru and the Parliament of Lipan are allowed to attend and can vote during local parliament sessions, but are not required to attend. Bills in the local parliament only apply to YJJ City. Early voting before the bill is read is not allowed. Voting begins immediately after all the bills for the day are read. There is a 30 minute time frame after the voting starts for votes to be cast. All members need to specify which bill they are voting for in each vote when there are multiple bills. For a bill to be passed, ⅔ of all votes must support it. Local parliament can also vote to stop any changes mentioned in Section 3 if ⅔ of votes are against it. Elections Local elections are held every quarter, i.e. January, April, July, and October. All districts will have local elections at the same time. All members of the Limaru City Server are allowed to vote for any district’s leader. Any member can be a contestant for any district. However, each contestant can only lead one district.

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