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New Foxtown

From Limaru City Server Wiki
New Foxtown
City in YJJ City Island
Official Language(s) English, Italian
Demonym(s) -
Leader/Founder FedFox
Formation 8 November 2020
Dissolution 13 August 2021
Currency Limarusian Dollar (£)
Time Zone UTC+8 (Limarusian Mean Time)
Date Format dd/mm/yyyy
City Code NFT
Driving Side Left

New Foxtown was a city on the north-western side of YJJ City Island. It was created in late 2020 when an agreement was made to give part of YJJ City Island to FedFox under the YJJ City District Act that had just been passed. Over the next year, FedFox developed the island with a small road network and a few buildings. However, by the first quarter of 2021, FedFox had become inactive and there was no development in New Foxtown. This resulted in the handover of New Foxtown back to YJJ City, the first such event in Limaru's history. Despite FedFox returning to the server not long after, FedFox did not express interest to continue the development of New Foxtown and officially abandoned it.


New Foxtown comprised part of the north-western side of YJJ City island and two small islands off the coast. The mainland portion is mostly flat.

Transport within New Foxtown

Road Transport

New Foxtown had a small road network which was never connected to the road network on YJJ City island. There were plans to build a bridge across to the mainland, but plans fell apart after FedFox's inactivity.

Rail Transport

New Foxtown had plans for the construction of 2 metro lines, the Western Loop Line and the Southern Bridge line, both of which never made it to completion.

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