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Server Rules

From Limaru City Server Wiki

The 10 Major Rules

  1. No Griefing
    • Griefing is strictly prohibited and may result in a permanent ban.
  2. No Advertising
    • Mentioning the IP address, communication channels and/or the social media accounts of non-partner servers is not allowed. However, you may still mention other servers or casually chat about them.
  3. No Theft and No PvP
    • Theft and PvP is strictly prohibited and may result in a fine, and/or the confiscation of your inventory and ender chest.
  4. No Doxxing
    • Do not disseminate any private information about any player, which includes (but is not limited to): real names, email addresses, and real-world pictures of players. Limaru respects the privacy of players and action will be taken if the privacy of individuals are infringed.
  5. No DM Protesting
    • Do not message the lawmakers of Limaru to change a law. Limaru provides the appropriate channels (such as Parliament and Voting) which are open to everyone to share their opinions or request for changes to our rules.
  6. Respect Others
    • Limaru aims to be a peaceful and welcoming community. Do not harass, spam, or repeatedly insult anyone in our community.
  7. Do Not Discriminate Others
    • Discrimination in all forms against someone on the basis of their race, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, gender identity, status or beliefs will not be tolerated.
  8. Do Not Aid In Crime
    • It is an offence to aid someone else in crime.
  9. Do Not Commit Acts of Wrongdoing In The Name of Limaru
    • Using Limaru’s name for wrongful activities (e.g., attacking/“waging war” against another server or community), accusing Limaru of wrongdoings that Limaru has had no involvement in, or any similar activities aimed at harming Limaru’s community and/or reputation, is strictly prohibited.
  10. Do Not Launch Cyberattacks on Limaru
    • Launching cyberattacks such as Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS) attacks, establishing backdoors, or exploiting vulnerabilities on the server without permission is strictly prohibited and may even lead to legal action being taken.

Basic Law

  1. All rules from the 10 Major Rules apply to the Basic Law of Limaru.
  2. Murder and assault are prohibited unless done in a PvP arena or in a PvP event.
  3. Any attempt to change the laws or rewrite the constitution of the Federal Republic of Limaru in a manner that is sly, cunning or stealthy will not be tolerated.
  4. Protests of any scale are allowed as a constitutional right. However, discreetly messaging the lawmakers of Limaru to change any law is prohibited under rule 5 of the 10 Major Rules.
  5. The gathering of intel about the server, any of its members, as well as revealing state secrets or any sensitive information which should only be kept within the staff team, is not tolerated and will immediately result in a temporary appealable ban. This includes knowledge of how to access the server resources like the Console or Server Panel, the scoring system of examinations and any tips on how to pass examinations.
  6. Ban evasion, or joining the server by the means of an alternative account, is prohibited. Gathering info about Limaru by joining the server using an alternative account is also prohibited.
  7. Corruption or bribery by abusing one’s power to give oneself or someone else an unfair advantage against others (e.g., giving another player build permissions without them going through the builder application process) will result in strict action being taken towards all parties involved.
  8. The national animal is the hedgehog.
  9. Any player who masterminds or otherwise leads or forms a group with the intent of committing criminal acts may be charged with all criminal acts committed by the members of said group individually.
  10. Joining the server with the intent of making no contributions is considered a nuisance, and may result in a demotion after 6 calendar months of inactivity.
  11. Advertising foreign servers is considered an act of treason and prohibited.
  12. The penalty for all offences shall be decided during trial by the Judiciary Council.
  13. All Citizens of the Federal Republic of Limaru and YJJ City are guaranteed to have Privacy and gathering or sharing private information about them, such as their Real Name, Age, Birthday, Usernames and Passwords for online accounts, and Emails without their permission, and/or forming a social profile to social engineer them with intent to cause danger/harm to the person, will immediately result in a warning and 2 demerit points.

Build Law

  1. Players who wish to build on the server must be ranked Builder or above.
  2. To keep our server clean, builds may be shifted or removed over time; however, a notice to the original owner must be posted before builds are shifted or removed.
  3. Building / placing images on the side of empty walls and on streets (i.e., graffiti) is allowed. However, such art is not allowed on government buildings and transportation infrastructure.
  4. Griefing is not allowed on the server, and is punishable in accordance with the amount of blocks the server staff needs to fix.
  5. In Limaru and Losing, rules for towns and cities are governed as stated in City and Town Laws of Limaru and Losning.
  6. In YJJ City, rules for districts are governed as stated in YJJ City District Laws.
  7. Rules and guidelines for each district, town and city of the server are defined below:


  1. Please check out the Limaru Server Reforms (2024) document here for rank descriptors: Limaru Server Reforms (2024)

Transportation Rules

  1. Any piece of land from which aircraft operate that usually has paved runways and maintenance facilities and often serves as a terminal (defined as an "airport") must have an ICAO code and an IATA code. The codes will be given out as stated in the Airport Code Assignment Act 2020 [OS 2020-1/NS 2001].
  2. All regular service trains must be named, as stated in the Train Naming Act 2020 [PN].
  3. Any ground public transportation service with a fixed route, such as a bus, railway or tramway, and motorways, air and water-based transportation, as well as any other forms of transportation, will have to be approved by the Ministry of Transportation before service can begin. However, military vehicles and trade routes do not require such approval.
  4. Players may only start a transportation company if they are ranked Resident and above, and may only own tracks if they are ranked Architect/Engineer and above.
  5. All airports will be maintained by the Ministry of Transportation.
  6. As per the Ministry of Transportation Act 2021 [2118], fixed route transportation modes will be required to follow these rules:
  7. The service shall be easily identified with a name, and a service code/numbering system decided upon by the operator.
  8. The operator’s logo shall be easily visible on any signage/rolling stock.
  9. If a transportation service is being operated under a different brand to that of the operator, the operator’s brand and the service brand must be displayed side-by-side.
  10. If the service has stops in the Iciwi zone (i.e. the prefectures of Limaru with the exception of Enshima and Lexington, and the Republic of YJJ City), it shall integrate with the server-wide ticketing system, Iciwi. Any additional infrastructure (i.e. ticket gates, ticket machines) that must be provided to integrate with Iciwi shall be installed by the operator.
  11. The route of the transportation service must be identified and submitted to the Ministry for the registry and for display on the Metro Map (if the service is a rail service).
  12. The service shall be clearly signposted/marked and start and end points, on vehicles and at stops.
  13. If feasible for rail services, a departure board system shall be implemented as well as onboard text announcements.
  14. As per the Ministry of Transportation Act 2021, all other transportation modes with the exception of military and trade routes will be required to follow these rules:
  15. The service/route shall have a clear start/end point.
  16. Where the service/route has an impact upon the surrounding area (i.e. a major motorway crossing a small town), these impacts must be disclosed and appropriately mitigated (i.e. tunnelling under the small town).
  17. If the service carries passengers, these services must be clearly signposted and marked.
  18. All roadways must be clearly signposted when necessary (i.e. at intersections, crossings, hazardous/risky points)
  19. All roadways considered as motorways (i.e. wide roadways that pass through multiple regions) must receive Ministry approval before construction and operation. All other types of roadways do not require approval and their construction/operation shall be under the jurisdiction of the local authority (i.e. Lipan, Emmaru, YJJ City etc.)
  20. Roadways must be between 3m and 5m wide, with 3m being the server standard. The only exception is if a roadway is a minor road meant for small vehicles, and width constraints force the use of a smaller road. In such a case, a width of 2m is permitted, but the roadway must have at least 2 lanes along the entire length of the 2m wide section.

Penal Code

  1. The approved punishments for crimes committed on the server are:
  2. Verbal warning, a reminder that the act committed is against the law. This punishment should only be given out once in total. The warnings after this will be tracked as per the statement below.
  3. Official warning, a reminder that will be tracked in the Limaru Anti-Crime and Policing system. This punishment should only be awarded three times in total. Warnings given after that must be approved by the President or the Emperor.
  4. Server mute, the removal of the player’s ability to chat. This punishment should last no longer than 40 minutes, or 2 Minecraft days. However, permanent server mutes may be issued on the approval of the Judiciary Council.
  5. Confiscation of items.
  6. Confiscation of property, up to 10% of the real estate owned by the player.
  7. Demotion, or the removal of rank. All demotions must be carried out by the Judiciary Council, or in the case that a player in the Judiciary Council is receiving the punishment, the Legislative Council.
  8. Temporary ban, a ban restricting the player from logging in for a specified amount of time. The duration of temporary bans should be the sum of all temporary bans the player had accumulated before their punishment.
  9. Permanent ban, a ban restricting the player from logging into the server.
  10. All players who accumulate three official warnings are to be temporarily banned for a variable 36 hours to 5 days. If the offence is repeated another time, the player would be temporarily banned for 7 days, with an additional 7 days per same offence after that. The first ban time shall be decided by the Judge (Administrators).
  11. Players whose account has been used by another individual to commit offences are to be charged as if the offence has been committed by the player themself.
  12. Any player who aids, abets or otherwise conspires to commit a criminal act shall be charged with a lighter punishment if the original punishment of the criminal act is:
    1. Temporary ban: The duration will be shortened by 1 day, unless the ban is less than or equal to 1 day, in which the ban duration will be halved.
    2. Official warning: There will be no lighter sentence.
    3. Appealable permanent ban: The ban will become a temporary ban of 91 days.
    4. Unappealable permanent ban: The ban will become an appealable permanent ban.
    5. Server mute: There will be no lighter sentence.
    6. Confiscation of items and/or property: There will be no lighter sentence.
    7. However, if the criminal act threatens the sovereignty of Limaru or attempts to change the laws or rewrite the constitution, it is counted as a full offence.
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