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Server Rules

From Limaru City Server Wiki

Parliament and Congress Procedure

  1. 36 hours before a session in Congress or Parliament, all bills will be presented with their own Discord channel in the Parliament category. These channels will be created either by the Parliament Staff or a Veteran.
  2. Parliament and Congress sessions may be done in the official language of the state, English.
  3. Bills are separated into two types: "original bills" and "transferred bills". All original bills should be read first before transferred bills. All original bills should follow the format in the sample bills Attachment 1.2a (for Congress) or Attachment 1.2b (for Parliament).
  4. When in Congress or Parliament, original bills should be read in the order they are presented in the order paper. More focus should be placed on Amendments than Votes. Bills should be made in Google Docs (or similar word processor with sharing settings) with the sharing settings turned to "Anyone with the link can comment" (or similar setting).
  5. Senators or MPs, depending on the legislative office, may either voice their opinions in the Minecraft chat, voice call, or comment and suggest the bill itself.
  6. Depending on the number of original bills in the order paper, the time limit on each bill will change. The entire original bill reading session should not last more than 2 hours. After one bill has been amended, the reading of the next bill should be started without delay, unless a break is called.
  7. Breaks may be called at any time during Congress or Parliament. A break is a short session, not longer than 10 minutes, where all members may exit the session.
  8. After a parliament session, original bills affecting the entire country, or original bills affecting areas in both Lipan and Emmaru, will become transfer bills of the other legislative office. Original bills only affecting the prefecture the bill is read in will be marked as a transfer bill for the next Congress or Parliament session. A sample of the transfer bill of the latter kind is shown in Attachment 1.3a (for Congress) and 1.3b (for Parliament), while transfer bills of the former keep their original form.
  9. During the reading of transfer bills, only Votes are allowed. Votes will be done in the Minecraft chat or voice call.
  10. There will be three kinds of votes, "Aye", "Neut", and "Nay". A bill with more than half of the parliament voting for "Aye" will pass as an Act of Parliament or Congress and become law after this document is updated. A bill with more than half of the parliament voting for "Nay" will be discarded and will not pass as an Act of Parliament or Congress. A bill with more than half of the parliament voting for "Neut" will turn the bill into a transfer bill to be discussed in the next Parliament session.
  11. Being disorderly in Parliament may get you thrown out of Parliament, or get the Parliament cancelled.

Basic Law

  1. Destroying property without permission from the property owner is deemed Griefing and is prohibited.
  1. The blocking of trains, train tracks and roads is prohibited, unless permission is granted by the road/rail company.
  1. The theft of property belonging to another player is not allowed.
  1. Murder and assault are prohibited unless done in a PvP arena.
  1. Graffiti art is allowed on walls of buildings unless the owner deems it unfit for his building. However, graffiti art is not allowed in tunnels or railroad property.
  1. Any attempt to threaten the sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Limaru is prohibited.
  1. Any attempt to change the laws or rewrite the constitution of the Federal Republic of Limaru in a manner that is sly, cunning or stealthy will not be tolerated.
  1. It is illegal to disseminate private information of a player without his or her consent. This includes the real name, email address, pictures of faces etc. Since this clause coincides with internet privacy laws of some real-life countries, legal action will be taken if the extent of the breaching of this law is great enough.
  1. Protests of any scale are allowed due to Section [3] of the Constitution. However, discreetly messaging the lawmakers of Limaru to change any law is prohibited under Section [2] Parts [g] and [h] of the Constitution.
  1. The gathering of intel about the server, any of its members, as well as revealing state secrets or any sensitive information which should only be kept within the staff team, is not tolerated and will immediately result in a temporary appealable ban. This includes knowledge of how to access the server resources like the Console or Server Panel, the scoring system of examinations and any tips on how to pass examinations.
  1. Ban evasion, or joining the server by the means of an alternative account, is prohibited.
  1. Gathering info about Limaru by joining the server using another person's account is not tolerated.
  1. The national animal is the hedgehog.
    1. Build Law
  1. As per the Faster WorldEdit Act 2019, the WorldEdit command //fast is not permitted for any rank.
  1. To keep our server clean, abandoned and incomplete builds will be removed by the Architects after 1 month of inactivity. A notice will be given to the general player base when this happens if the builder is unknown. However, if the builder is known, they will be informed personally.
    1. An “abandoned build” is a build that looks terrible (definition up to the player who saw it), or is more than 200 blocks from any other building, or is not part of any town.
    1. Transport infrastructure that connects towns (i.e. infrastructure that are not standalone and serves no purpose in connecting people) and builds-in-testing (i.e. Builds in test zones and modular builds, etc. ) shall not be counted as abandoned.
  1. A town that has not seen development for more than 1 month, but has enough buildings to classify as a liveable settlement will not be removed.
    1. A “liveable settlement” is a town made up of more than 10 buildings with more than 40m2 of flat floor each.
    2. All floor blocks that have a full top surface (i.e. full blocks and slabs) are classified as a “flat floor”.
  1. Incomplete projects larger than 15,000 cubic blocks will have a 3-month grace time instead of a 1-month grace time. The 15,000 cubic blocks consists of all non-air blocks in the build, and all air blocks that are in the build itself. All air blocks that are situated outside the walls of the build are not counted. If the build does not have a well-defined outside and inside, areas with light level 7 or less when all light blocks are removed will be defined as “inside”, and thus count towards the block count.
  1. Procedure if the player who made the build specifically said that it should not be removed
    1. If the player informs the architect committee that he or she would like to continue the build after the notice of demolition has been given, another month will be given for him or her to put progress into the build. However, this will only be given once.
    2. If the player is away on holiday, or has other reasons such that he or she cannot come online, the time for him or her to put progress will start only when he or she has the time to play.
  2. All cities, or claimed areas larger than 400 by 400 blocks, are required to submit a land use diagram which will roughly describe how the land in the city will be used. This must be approved by the staff before the city is officially registered and established.
  3. Any piece of land from which aircraft operate that usually has paved runways and maintenance facilities and often serves as a terminal (defined as an "airport") must have an ICAO code and an IATA code. The codes will be given out as stated in the Airport Code Assignment Act 2020.

Server Partnership Rules

Under the Server Revitalisation Act (Part 2) 2020, there are 2 types of partnership programmes offered in Limaru: Security Alliance and International Assembly Member.

  1. A Security Alliance is an alliance between the Police Department of the Limaru server and a similar department of the foreign server.
    1. Security Alliance members’ owners will automatically be given the Police Officer rank and may request for a certain player to be banned on Limaru, either through DMs or the #police-department Discord channel.
    2. To become a Security Alliance member, a server needs to have at least 35 players and its owner (or one of its owners, if the server has multiple owners) must have a Senior Builder rank or Police Officer rank, or a higher rank.
    3. A new bill must be passed in a Limarusian parliament for a server to join the Security Alliance.
  2. The International Assembly is an inter-server foreign affairs discussion panel where members discuss inter-server topics.
    1. International Assembly members’ staff are automatically given membership in the International Assembly.
    2. To become an International Assembly member, a server needs to have at least 35 players and its owner (or one of its owners, if the server has multiple owners) must have a Senior Builder rank or Police Officer rank, or a higher rank.
    3. A new bill must be passed in a Limarusian parliament for a server to join the International Assembly.
  3. Both partnership programmes do not grant full diplomatic immunity, i.e. staff of the foreign server may not advertise their server on Limaru.

Citizen Rights

  1. All citizens of the Federal Republic of Limaru will be granted the full set of human rights.
  2. All Citizens of the Federal Republic of Limaru and YJJ City are guaranteed to have Privacy and gathering or sharing private information about them, such as their Real Name, Age, Birthday, Usernames and Passwords for online accounts, and Emails without their permission, and/or forming a social profile to social engineer them with intent to cause danger/harm to the person, will immediately result in a warning and 2 demerit points.


  1. Main player ranks will be split between two routes, namely the Architect and Engineer Route and the Staff Route.
  2. The Architect and Engineer Route will be split into five ranks, the lowest being Builder, the next being Senior Builder, then Project Manager, followed by Architect or Engineer, then Senior Architect or Senior Engineer and lastly Veteran.
    1. To get the Builder rank, one must complete the application form and have his or her application approved by the Staff.
    2. If a builder accumulates at least 7 hours of playtime in a single week, or if he or she finishes building up 12 plots, he or she will be promoted to Senior Builder. Such a builder may ping staff for the rank if they feel like they are getting close to the 7-hour benchmark, but a check on playtime will still be initiated.
    3. A builder may claim a town up to a starting area of 150 by 150 blocks. If 80% of the area is built up, they may increase the area to 200 by 200 blocks. A town larger than that, but not exceeding 400 by 400 blocks, may only be built if the builder finds another co-owner of the town.
    4. If said builder would like to create a sub-town within his town, i.e. a town with another architectural style, he MUST inform staff of the new part.
    5. All expansions to towns must benefit the server world financially and/or culturally, at least, in lore.
    6. An architect/engineer may claim a city up to a starting area of 600 by 600 blocks. However, they must find at least 3 other players of Builder rank or above to be co-owners in order to start the city.
    7. A city can be built up to a maximum area of 1500 by 1500 blocks, unless at least 90% of the area is built up and a public vote approves an expansion.
  3. The Staff Route will be split into four ranks, the lowest being Police Officer, the next being Detective, followed by Attorney and lastly Veteran.
    1. All four ranks are given to members who show a sense of commitment and care to the community of the Federal Republic of Limaru, and can be applied for at the Limaru Police Department (LMPD). The Attorney and Veteran ranks form the Judiciary Council.
  4. There are other ranks that grant WorldEdit permissions as well, namely WorldEditOne and WorldEditTwo. WorldEditOne is automatically given to any player with the Builder rank while WorldEditTwo is automatically given to any player who demonstrates proficiency in WorldEdit. WorldEditOne only grants the player a limited number of commands while WorldEditTwo grants the player the full set of WorldEdit commands.

Penal Code

The approved punishments for crimes committed on the server are:

  1. Verbal warning, a reminder that the act committed is against the law. This punishment should only be given out once in total. The warnings after this will be tracked as per Clause 6(a)(ii).
  2. Official warning, a reminder that will be tracked in the Limaru Anti-Crime and Policing system. This punishment should only be awarded three times in total. Warnings given after that must be approved by the Prime Minister, the President or the Emperor.
  3. Server mute, the removal of the player’s ability to chat. This punishment should last no longer than 40 minutes, or 2 Minecraft days. However, permanent server mutes may be issued on the approval of the Judiciary Council.
  4. Confiscation of items.
  5. Confiscation of property, up to 10% of the real estate owned by the player.
  6. Demotion, or the removal of rank. All demotions must be carried out by the Judiciary Council, or in the case that a player in the Judiciary Council is receiving the punishment, the Legislative Council.
  7. Temporary ban, a ban restricting the player from logging in for a specified amount of time. The duration of temporary bans should be the sum of all temporary bans the player had accumulated before their punishment.
  8. Permanent ban, a ban restricting the player from logging into the server. All permanent bans may only be made by an Administrator.
  9. All players who accumulate three official warnings are to be temporarily banned for a variable of 36 hours to 5 days. If the offence is repeated another time, the player would be temporarily banned for 7 days, with an additional 7 days per same offence after that. The first ban time shall be decided by the Veterans.
  10. Players whose account has been used by another individual to commit offences are to be charged as if the offence has been committed by the player themself.
  11. Any player who aids, abets or otherwise conspires to commit a criminal act shall be charged with a lighter punishment if the original punishment of the criminal act is:
    1. Temporary ban: The duration will be shortened by 1 day unless the ban is less than or equal to 1 day, in which the ban duration will be halved.
    2. Official warning: There will be no lighter sentence.
    3. Appealable permanent ban: The ban will become a temporary ban of 91 days.
    4. Unappealable permanent ban: The ban will become an appealable permanent ban.
    5. Server mute: There will be no lighter sentence.
    6. Confiscation of items and/or property: There will be no lighter sentence.
    7. However, if the criminal act threatens the sovereignty of Limaru or attempts to change the laws or rewrite the constitution, it is counted as a full offence.

Court Procedure

  1. A witness must first incite a charge against a player (Defendant).
  2. The defendant may choose to get a defence attorney to defend him/her. If no attorney is chosen, the defendant shall defend him/herself. Unless approved by the judge, the attorney must not back out of the offer. Payment to the defence attorney shall be made by the defendant.
  3. All courtroom procedures shall take place in the #courtroom Discord channel.
  4. The prosecution shall start by presenting the case to the judge.
  5. The defence shall rebut the prosecution’s stand. During this time, the prosecution may object to any parts of the testimony.
  6. Witnesses may be called to testify at any time.
  7. The prosecution and defence shall take turns to present arguments, using whatever evidence necessary.
  8. Once a consensus is reached by the judge, the judge shall give the verdict (Guilty/not guilty/moved to a higher court) and sentence if guilty.
  9. If the defence evades court (i.e. leaving the Discord server), the judge shall determine the verdict immediately.

Court offences

  1. Willingly obstructing the passage of justice, by concealing or obscuring facts, or otherwise hindering the investigation of facts, is prohibited.
  2. Willingly providing false evidence with the intent of aiding the initial suspects, or convicting an innocent person, is prohibited.

Other offences

  1. Any player who masterminds or otherwise leads or forms a group with the intent of committing criminal acts may be charged with all criminal acts committed by the members of the said group individually.
  2. Waging war against Limaru and all acts of terror, including but not limited to mass grief, intentional lagging and chat spam attacks, is prohibited and will result in a permanent ban.
  3. Waging war on other servers in the name of Limaru, without any official status, is prohibited.
  4. Joining the server with the intent of making no contributions is considered a nuisance and will result in a demotion after 6 calendar months of inactivity.
  5. Advertising foreign servers are considered an act of treason and prohibited unless the server mentioned is one of the following: (Server mentioned is in the format of Server Name - Owner)
    1. Luminis World - Luminia24 and Tomi_Crosoft
  6. The penalty for all offences shall be decided during a trial by the Judiciary Council.
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